Telegram has started rolling out an update for Android and iOS users this week with a bunch of new features and several new improvements. The app brings shareable chat folders, custom wallpapers, improved UI and bots, read time in topics, and more. It has also brought new animation to the profile pictures on iPhones. The new shareable chat folders let users share the chat folders with a link to invite their friends or colleagues to the groups and channels.
Telegram, in its latest blog post, shared that the app is rolling out a new update, bringing in new features and improvements. It has added a shareable chat link feature that will users to create and share a link to the chat folders that they want their friends or colleagues to join. The invitees can add the folder and join all its chats with just one tap. Each chat folder comes with multiple invite links with access to different chats. Users can even name a chat folder like Office/Work or Friends. It’s similar to naming a chat group.
Telegram’s latest update has also brought a new custom wallpaper feature for specific chats to give conversations a personal touch. Once set, the other participant of the chat will also get notified to add the same wallpaper on their side.
Additionally, the messaging platform also brought better bots, which now allow collaboration and multiplayer features for members. That’s not all, bots can also use collectible usernames — including links without the -bot suffix.
Furthermore, the app also brings fast scrolling of attachments by simply scrolling down on the date bar as well as read time for topic-enabled groups that shows when a message has been read by group participants. The app also adds improved UI that lets users create a group even without adding participants, and new animation for profiles on newer iPhone models, which gets slid into the dynamic island when profiles and info pages are scrolled down.
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