Samsung Galaxy S23 FE is confirmed to launch soon. As we wait for the formal announcement, the Fan Edition smartphone has surfaced online in alleged promo videos. The leaked videos offer a glimpse of the design as well as the specifications of the handset. In the video, the Galaxy S23 FE 5G is seen with a hole punch display design and triple rear cameras. The Galaxy S23 FE 5G is expected to debut as a toned-down variant of the flagship Galaxy S23. It is expected to ship with an Exynos 2200 SoC in some regions while the US variant might pack a Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC under the hood.
AN Leaks (@LeaksAn1) (via @yabhishekhd) posted alleged promo videos of Galaxy S23 FE on X (formerly Twitter). In the video, the smartphone is shown with a hole punch display design with a curved display and thick side bezels on all four sides. The video suggests a triple-camera unit at the rear and shows a few camera samples of the handset. The samples highlight the camera advancements of the phone in capturing closeup shots, night shots, and wide-angle shots. The new leak corroborates previous design leaks.
The Samsung Galaxy S23 FE is expected to go official on October 4. Samsung recently teased the arrival of the new phone without confirming the exact launch date and moniker. Further, the support page for the new handset is already active on the company’s India website.
As per a past leak, the Galaxy S23 FE will cost Rs. 54,999 for the 128GB storage variant in India. The 256GB storage model is tipped to cost Rs. 59,999. The original Galaxy S23 was unveiled in February this year with a starting price tag of Rs. 74,999.
The Galaxy S23 FE 5G is tipped to run Android 13 and Samsung is expected to provide four years of OS updates and five years of security patches for the handset. It is said to come with a 6.4-inch Dynamic AMOLED screen with a 120Hz refresh rate. The Indian variant of the Galaxy S23 FE 5G could run on Exynos 2200 SoC. In regions like the US and Canada, the handset might pack a Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC. It is tipped to flaunt a triple camera setup at the back comprising a 50-megapixel primary camera with OIS (optical image stabilisation), an 8-megapixel secondary camera, and a 12-megapixel telephoto camera. For selfies, there could be a 10-megapixel front-facing camera as well. Samsung is expected to pack a 4,500mAh battery on the Galaxy S23 FE 5G with support for wired charging at 25W and wireless charging.
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