Samsung Galaxy F34 5G was launched in India on Monday. The company had previously teased the price range of the smartphone. The handset had earlier been teased to be a rebranded version of the Galaxy A34 5G, which was launched earlier this year in March with an octa-core SoC and a 5,000mAh battery. However, with the launch of the Galaxy F34 5G, we see that, even though the design elements of the two models are similar, they vary in their specifications. For instance, the newly launched Galaxy F34 5G comes with an in-house Exynos chip and a slightly larger 6,000mAh battery.
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Samsung Galaxy F34 5G price in India, availability
The 6GB + 128GB variant of the Galaxy F34 5G is marked in India at Rs. 18,999, while the 8GB + 128GB option is priced at Rs. 20,999. The phone is currently available for pre-orders through Flipkart, the official Samsung website and at select retail stores. It will be open for sale starting August 11.
ICICI Bank Credit Card holders can access a no-cost EMI plan starting at Rs. 2,111 during the purchase of the phone. Several customers may also be eligible for Instant Discounts up to Rs. 1,000 if they use ICICI or Kotak Bank cards. There are many other bank offers that you can avail of if certain conditions are met.
The Galaxy F34 5G is offered in two colour options, as had been previously confirmed – Electric Black and Mystic Green.
Samsung Galaxy F34 5G features, specifications
Sporting a 6.46-inch full-HD+ (2340 x 1080 pixels) sAMOLED display, the Galaxy F34 5G comes with a refresh rate of 120Hz, pixel density of 398 ppi, and Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection. It is powered by an in-house octa-core Exynos 1280 SoC, paired with up to 8GB of RAM and 128GB of inbuilt storage. It ships with Android 13-based One UI 5.1.
In the camera department, the Galaxy F34 5G is equipped with a 50-megapixel primary sensor, an 8-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 2-megapixel macro sensor at the back, vertically aligned in three circular slots on the top left of the back panel accompanied by an LED flash. A 13-megapixel front camera sensor is placed in a centre-aligned waterdrop notch at the top of the display.
The Galaxy F34 packs a large 6,000mAh battery. For security, it has a side-mounted fingerprint sensor. It supports 5G, GPS, NFC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.3 and USB Type-C connectivity. Weighing 208 grams, the handset measures 161.7mm x 77.2mm x 8.8mm in size.
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