Redmi K60 series is all set to launch on December 27 after the Chinese manufacturer’s official release announcement last week. It also teased the design of the upcoming handset on its website. Now, the company has revealed Redmi K60 colour variants in its Christmas post. The upcoming handset will be available in at least two different colours, with both leather and glass back design. Redmi showcased a blue colour variant of the vanilla K60, featuring a leather back, in its Christmas post on Weibo. Meanwhile, the Redmi K60 Pro is teased to feature a 54-megapixel Sony IMX800 sensor.
Redmi posted images of a blue colour and leather back variant of the Redmi K60 on Chinese social networking website Weibo on Sunday. The post wished ‘Merry Christmas’ and teased the ‘Plain Leather, Sunny Blue’ variant of the upcoming handset. The post also promised a free Redmi K60 Christmas giveaway to users who reposted Redmi.
Redmi also revealed a black colour variant of the Redmi K60, with glass back design and carbon fibre texture. This variant also teased earlier in Redmi’s launch date reveal on its website. The company confirmed last week that the Redmi K60 series will debut in China on December 27. The launch will take place at Redmi’s New Year conference and is scheduled for 7 PM local time (4:30 PM IST). The lineup is likely to include the Redmi K60, the Redmi K60 Pro, and the Redmi K60E.
While the company has remained tight-lipped about the specifications of the K60 series, several leaks in the past few weeks have provided some hints about the upcoming handsets. Redmi has confirmed on Weibo that the Redmi K60 Pro will include a Sony IMX800 54-megapixel sensor on the back with OIS support. It will also feature Xiaomi Imaging Brain 2.0 for processing and software optimisations.
The vanilla Redmi K60 is confirmed to feature a triple rear camera setup, based on the company’s teaser images. It is expected to include a 64-megapixel primary camera with OIS support. Previous leaks have also tipped that the Redmi K60 will sport a 6.67-inch quad-HD+ display, with 120Hz refresh rate.
According to a another recent report, the Redmi K60, the Redmi K60 Pro, and Redmi K60E are expected to run on the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, and MediaTek Dimensity 8200 chipsets, respectively.
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