Realme Narzo 60 series is scheduled to launch in India on July 6. The lineup will include the regular Realme Narzo 60 5G and the Narzo 60 Pro 5G. The Chinese smartphone brand has now revealed the pre-reservation details for the upcoming models. Realme will offer discounts for customers pre-ordering the handsets through the company website and Amazon starting next week. Both the models are teased to come with up to 12GB of RAM and up to 1TB of onboard storage. The new series comes as a successor to the Realme Narzo 50 lineup that debuted last year.
Realme will start accepting pre-reservations for the Realme Narzo 60 series in Cosmic Black and Mars Orange shades through its official website in India and Amazon from July 6 at 1:00pm IST. Customers pre-ordering the Realme Narzo 60 Pro will receive Rs. 1,500 discount while customers pre-booking the vanilla Realme Narzo 60 5G will get Rs. 1,000 discount. Both the models will offer six months extended warranty as well.
The Realme Narzo 60 5G and Narzo 60 Pro 5G are listed to be available with 12GB of RAM and 1TB of onboard storage. The inbuilt RAM is said to support expansion up to 12GB using unutilised internal storage. The handsets are claimed to debut as India’s first 24GB RAM and 1TB storage smartphones. However, the 1TB storage support might be offered through a microSD card.
Moreover, the upcoming Narzo series models are teased to come with curved displays with 120Hz refresh rate and 2160Hz Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) frequency eye protection. Further, they will have a 2.3mm narrow chin.
The Realme Narzo 60 5G and Realme Narzo 60 Pro 5G will be launched in India on July 6 at 12pm IST. Realme’s India website and Amazon have identical microsites teasing the specifications of the upcoming series. They are expected to launch with a starting price of Rs. 17,999. Presumably, the handsets will be quite similar to the Realme 11 5G.
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