Realme 11 5G was launched in global markets on Monday, weeks after the handset made its debut in China as part of the Realme 11 series of smartphones. The smartphone bears some differences in specifications compared to the model that was unveiled in China. It’s global variant is equipped with a MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ chipset under the hood and features a 108-megapixel primary rear camera. It sports a 6.72-inch screen with a 120Hz refresh rate and is available in two colour options. The handset packs a 5,000mAh battery with support for 67W SuperVOOC charging over a USB Type-C port.
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Realme 11 5G price, availability
Realme 11 5G price is set at NTD 8990 for the 8GB + 256GB RAM and storage configuration. The handset is available in Dawn Gold and Moon Night Dark (translated from Chinese) colour options. It will go on sale in Taiwan on August 3 via the Realme Taiwan website.
Realme 11 5G specifications
The newly launched Realme 11 5G is a dual SIM (Nano) smartphone that runs on Android 13-based Realme UI 4.0. It features a 6.72-inch full-HD+ (1,080×2,400 pixels) Samsung AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and a 240Hz touch sampling rate. The smartphone is powered by a 6nm MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ SoC, paired with 8GB of RAM that can be virtually “expanded” by utilising unused storage.
A triple rear camera setup is available on the Realme 11 5G, that comprises a 108-megapixel primary camera with an f/1.75 aperture and an 83.6-degree field-of-view, along with a 2-megapixel secondary camera with an f/2.4 aperture and a 89.1-degree field-of-view. For selfies and video chats, the Realme 11 5G is equipped with a 16-megapixel camera with an f/2.45 aperture.
Realme has equipped the handset with 256 GB of onboard storage which can be expanded via a MicroSD card slot. Connectivity options on the Realme 11 include dual SIM/dual standby 5G connectivity, 4G LTE, dual band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.2, NFC, GPS, A-GPS, and a USB Type-C port.
Sensors on board include an ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer, and e-compass. The Realme 11 5G has a side-mounted fingerprint sensor, packs a 5,000mAh battery and supports 67W SuperVOOC charging, according to the company.
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