Google Pixel Tablet is expected to make its debut sometime in 2023, according to the timeline specified by the company last year. The first Pixel branded tablet could be launched by the company in the coming months and was recently tipped to ship with an included charging dock. Days after details of the company’s rumoured Pixel Fold handset surfaced online alongside with leaked renders showing the design of the foldable phone, screenshots of the user interface and wallpapers for a device that is expected to debut as the Pixel Tablet have surfaced online.
Tipster Evan Blass (Twitter: @evleaks) has leaked images of what appear to be screenshots of the home screen of the Pixel Tablet. The eight images — four in dark mode and four in light mode — show wallpapers of birds’ wings in the background, as Google’s Material You theming engine for Android 13 affects the colours and accents of the icons and widgets on the tablet.
The Pixel Tablet is expected to ship with an optimised version of Android 13 for larger displays, as the interface shows the device’s home screen with its icons and widgets arranged according to the “landscape” layout. Last year, Google announced Android 12L as an optimised version of Android that was optimised for larger displays such as tablets — or even foldable phones.
Pixel Tablet interface screenshots
Photo Credit: Twitter/ Evan Blass (@evleaks)
While it is possible that these leaked screenshots were captured from a Pixel Fold smartphone or the inner display of a Pixel Tablet, one of the responses to Blass’ tweet points out that its likely to be a tablet as there is no phone icon on the home screen. Recently leaked images for the Pixel Fold hint at a slightly taller interface for Google’s foldable phone compared to these screenshots.
Last week, Blass leaked images of the Pixel Fold that showed the handset sporting a fairly large cover display with large bezels, especially on the inner display. That image showed a different layout compared to these new images, which show the search bar to the left of the dock. Meanwhile, the images of the Pixel Fold that were previously spotted online show a thicker search bar above the dock.
In April, it was reported that Google will launch its first Pixel-branded tablet in four colourways and it would be housed in an aluminium body with a nano-ceramic finish. The tablet is speculated to run on Android 13 out-of-the-box and be powered by a Tensor G2 chipset, paired with 8GB of RAM. The tablet could also ship with a Charging Speaker Dock, according to the report.
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