OnePlus foldable smartphone was initially teased earlier this year in February at the Cloud 11 launch event. Although the company has been mum on the matter ever since, there have been continuous speculations about the design, price, launch timeline and other relevant specifications of the purported handset. Leaked renders have also previously hinted at the handset’s design and certain camera details. The Shenzhen-based mobile manufacturer has not even confirmed a model name so far. Now, a tipster has leaked the moniker that could be used for the first-ever OnePlus book-style foldable handset.
Tipster Max Jambor (@MaxJmb) shared on Twitter that OnePlus is planning to launch its foldable phone with the moniker OnePlus Open. He also claims that the company considered several other model names such as OnePlus Prime, OnePlus Peak, OnePlus Edge and OnePlus Wing.
Notably, when the model was first teased, it was tipped to carry the names OnePlus V Fold and OnePlus V Flip, varying in certain regions. Over time, the phone was said to be called the OnePlus Fold or OnePlus V Fold.
The OnePlus foldable phone is expected to sport a 7.8-inch 2K AMOLED inner screen and a 6.3-inch AMOLED outer display, both with a refresh rate of 120Hz. The handset has been tipped to come with an octa-core Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC paired with 16GB of RAM and 256GB of inbuilt storage. It is likely to run Android 13-based Oxygen OS 13.1 out-of-the-box.
Leaked renders have suggested that the upcoming foldable smartphone will feature a black lychee-like leather finish. The back panel is seen with a large circular centre-aligned camera module with Hasselblad-branded cameras including a periscope lens claimed to offer image quality akin to the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. The phone is expected to include a 50-megapixel sensor with optical image stabilisation (OIS), a 48-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide lens, a 32-megapixel sensor with a periscope lens at the back and carry two 32-megapixel selfie camera sensors.
The phone has previously been tipped to be offered in three colour options – black, gold, and green. It is expected to launch in China first, but is likely to eventually witness a global rollout in all markets where OnePlus models are currently available. It has been said that the global rollout will include the Indian and US markets, as well.
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