Nothing Ear 2 was launched in India in March this year as a successor to the Nothing Ear 1 earbuds. Initially, the earbuds were launched only in a white colour option. A recent leak suggested that the company will introduce the earbuds in a black colour variant and soon after Nothing itself unveiled the black Nothing Ear 2. According to the specifications listed by the company, the black variant is identical to its white counterpart and indeed, the only thing setting them apart is the colour of the earbuds and the charging case. The earbuds will be available for purchase in the country later this month.
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Nothing Ear 2 price in India, availability
The Nothing Ear 2 are now available in two colour variants – black and white. Both variants are listed at a price of Rs. 9,999 in India. The black variant will go on sale in the country starting July 21 via Flipkart. However, preorders for the new colour options will be open from July 11 to July 20.
Dark and mighty.
Say hi to Ear (2) black.
Available for a limited time only at https://t.co/pLWW07l8G7 pic.twitter.com/V6kdvGqv2O
— Nothing (@nothing) July 6, 2023
As per Nothing company, existing Nothing Ear 2 users will be able to access the Advanced Equaliser and Noise Reduction features through the Nothing X app starting July 6.
Nothing Ear 2 specifications, features
Nothing’s Ear 2 offer up to 40dB of active noise cancellation and come equipped with an 11.6mm custom driver that claims to offer a powerful base and clear sound experience. Each bud has three AI-backed microphones and is responsive to touch controls that allow users to have easy control of the earbuds. With one tap, users can pause or play music and can answer or end calls. Two successive taps allow users to skip ahead on their playlist or decline a call, while three taps let them skip back on the playlist. To switch from Active Noise Cancellation to Transparency Mode or vice versa, users need to press and hold either of the buds.
The Transparency Mode allows environmental noise to flow in, giving users the ability to be aware of their surrounding while using the earbuds anytime they choose to do so. The Personal Sound Profile feature allows users to personalise their sound experience and is accompanied by a Clear Voice Technology, which claims to provide improved wind-proof and crowd-proof sound.
Nothing Ear 2 support Bluetooth v5.3 connectivity, and while the earbuds come with an IP54 rating for dust and water resistance, the charging case has an IP55 rating. The earbuds are said to offer a total battery life of up to 36 hours with the charging case, which packs a 485mAh battery, and each individual bud is backed by a 33mAh battery.
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