First revealed by Snapchat and Telegram, and later “borrowed” by Elon Musk who introduced the same source of revenue on Twitter in the form of a Twitter Blue badge, the service of becoming a verified holder of a social media account is gradually moving to all mainstream social networks.

Meta Platforms logo on a smartphone screen 0 illustrative image. Credit: Alpha Photo / Meta Platforms via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0
Yesterday, Meta Platforms announced that it is already testing Meta Verified, which is a similar monthly subscription service allowing users to get a blue badge by verifying their identity.
Not that long ago, becoming a verified user on social networks was a natural step for anyone wanting to avoid impersonation. It also did not cost anything. Now, in addition to a regular identity confirmation, you will need to pay fees to have your status acknowledged by Meta.
Meta Verified will come as the subscription bundle for Instagram and Facebook, and is planned to be launched this week. The company says this service will include additional protection mechanisms against impersonation. Users from Australia and New Zealand will be the first to get access to Meta Verified.
If you’re a web user, the service’s monthly fee will start at $11.99. If you’re an Apple or Android fan, the same thing will cost you more, $14.99 a month.
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