Moto Tab G84 is reportedly in the works and could be launched in India soon. The company has recently launched some of its G-series smartphones in India, including Moto G54, Moto G84, and Moto G14. Now, it is said to launch a G-series tablet in the country, according to a leak that also suggests the design of the purported tablet. The Moto Tab G84 will reportedly succeed the Moto Tab G70, which made its debut in India in January last year.
Tipster Sudhanshu Ambhore (via an Appuals report) has leaked the design renders of the alleged Moto Tab G84. As seen in the renders, the upcoming tablet could get a landscape-oriented selfie camera. For the rear camera, the tablet is said to get an 8-megapixel sensor. Alongside the camera will be an LED flash, as per the leak.
The Moto Tab G84 is reported to sport substantial amount of bezel on all sides of the tablet, while it could get a metallic dual colour design. The renders also suggest a small cut-out at the back of the tablet, next to the camera. According to the report, it could be used as a magnetic connector for a stylus pen. The Motorola logo is seen placed centrally on the back side.
As seen on the rear, the tablet could feature speakers with JBL Sound along with support for Dolby Atmos. On the right edge of the table, two speakers and a USB Type-C charging port are visible. It is to be noted that the company has not revealed any details about the upcoming tablet, hence everything should be taken with a pinch of salt. However, the leaked design renders could hint at the imminent arrival of the Moto Tab G84.
The upcoming Moto Tab G84 is likely to succeed the Moto Tab G70, which was launched last year in January. It too came with dual colour design, and was priced at Rs. 21,999 at the time of launch for the sole 4GB RAM and 64GB storage variant.
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