Lava Blaze Pro 5G smartphone will be soon unveiled by the company. The smartphone is the 5G variant of the Lava Blaze Pro, which was launched in India last year in September. The company has announced the launch date of the upcoming phone via a YouTube teaser. Lava has also shared a glimpse of the design and the specifications of the Blaze Pro 5G. The phone will sport a dual rear camera setup alongside an LED Flash. The camera sensors are shown to be housed in two circular camera modules placed vertically on the back panel.
Lava has announced to launch of the Lava Blaze Pro 5G in India on September 26 at 12pm via a YouTube video. The company has released a teaser video revealing the design and the specifications of the upcoming handset. The phone is teased to come in two colour options — Black and Off-White shade. The phone will ship with a dual rear camera setup and an LED Flash, housed in two circular camera modules. The unit will get a 50-megapixel primary sensor. At the bottom right side of the phone will be the Lava 5G branding.
Additionally, the teaser also several design details of the Lava Blaze Pro 5G, including the flat edges, a 3.5mm audio jack, a microphone, a USB Type-C port, and a speaker grille at the bottom.
Apart from these, the company is yet to reveal any further details, however, its specifications were leaked recently suggesting a MediaTek Dimensity 6020 SoC under the hood. The Lava Blaze Pro 5G is also said to be launched under Rs. 15,000.
Meanwhile, the 4G variant of the Lava Blaze Pro was launched last year in September priced at Rs. 10,499 for the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage configuration. The handset sports a 6.5-inch 2.5D curved IPS display with HD+ (720×1,600 pixels) resolution and a 90Hz refresh rate. It is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Helio G37 SoC and packs a 5,000mAh battery.
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