Lava Blaze 2, a new smartphone from Lava, is expected to be launched soon in India. It is said to be succeeding the Lave Blaze 5G device that launched in November 2022. The device was reportedly spotted recently on Geekbench, which suggested a few key specifications of the upcoming smartphone. Expected to launch in April this year, the smartphone has now been subject to a new leak that suggests the complete specifications of the Blaze 2 and also hints at its design renders. The phone is said to launch in a single storage variant and offered in three colour options.
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Lava Blaze 2 price in India (expected)
Reliable tipster Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings) suggested in a tweet the likely specifications of the upcoming Lava Blaze 2 smartphone, expected to launch in April. The leak suggests that the purported handset will be launched in a single configuration of 6GB of RAM with 5GB virtual RAM, and 128GB of UFS 2.2 storage. Offered in Glass Orange, Glass Black, and Glass Blue colour options, the Lava Blaze 2 is likely to be priced below Rs. 10,000, as per the leak.
Lava Blaze 2 specifications, features (expected)
The Lava Blaze 2 will reportedly feature a 6.5-inch HD+ display with a refresh rate of 90Hz. Powered by an Unisoc T616 SoC, the smartphone is expected to ship with stock Android 12.
Design renders attached to the leak suggest that the dual rear camera unit of the Lava Blaze 2 will be placed in two circular modules vertically arranged on the top left side of the back panel alongside an LED flash unit. The rear cameras include a 13-megapixel and an AI-supported lens. The expected 8-megapixel front camera is seen housed in a centred hole punch slot at the top of the display.
With an AnTuTu score of 250,000+, the Lava Blaze 2 is expected to pack a 5,000mAh battery with 18W fast charging support. The handset also reportedly comes with a USB-Type C port and a 3.5mm audio jack. Weighing 203 grams, the device is said to measure 16.5cm x 7.6cm x 0.9cm in size.
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