-Do you know what the troll apps are all about?
-Or if I ask you what exactly trolling means?
-Or if I put a question, do you love doing pranks with your friends and family?
If you love to do pranks with your loved ones, or if you want to impact a social cause, you should definitely look after this article.
-Troll is the current trend in Social media.
-When we open Facebook, we can see lots of Troll Videos and images.
-Trolls can make a significant impact on any social issues. In the case of videos, people can easily catch the content of a video.
-Videos are better than images and audios for conveying a message to the public.
– Most of the troll videos are audio-edited movie clips.
-Extracting audio from a video and adding another suitable audio is problematic.
– But we can do it simply by using some applications. Today I’m here to share the best troll-making apps.
-So, what are we waiting for? Well, I am super excited to discuss this with you all. Are you?
Table of Contents
-According to the Internet, Pranking is an act of making a hilarious video on any online thread or subject that can be used for having fun.
It is just like jokes, but there is a lot of fun in this, and the best part is the other person does not know what is going on.
– Many pranks websites are available on the internet that provides the latest pranks and troll ideas from all over the world.
-Nowadays, pranking is becoming a trend, and prank video makers are getting a good response.
– Youtube and TikTok is the best place to share prank videos. But are you looking for something else? Wait, we will give you the answer.

-MadLipz Android app is available on the Google Play Store, listed under the entertainment category of apps.
– Easy to create funny videos in simple steps.
-App developed by Eigenuity Inc.
-And currently, more than 10 million people use this MadLipz app worldwide.
-MadLipz app content rated age 16+.
-If you look after this app, it is very well featured, and it is super interesting.
-Do you want to know the most important part of any app? It is ratings and the number of downloads.
-Then why not? This critical thing should be known to you also.
-Let’s discuss the pros and cons of the app:
PROS:- it is very easy to use
– easy to share with your friends
– the number of people using this app is very large
CONS:- the app is rated for 16+

-As its name says, the Malayalam Image Editor app was created for Malayali, or we can say Keralites also is helpful for people who know the Malayalam language.
-The app contains the following things; Trolls, Onam, Bakrid, Christmas, Marriage, Friendship, Independence day & 100+ Seasonal Greeting Cards, Posters, Notices, WhatsApp Status, Logos(PNG), GIF Animation Images, etc.
-The app has a vast database of great trolls. Also, the app updates the latest troll feed every few hours.
-What about the ratings and no of downloads?
-Also, it provides more than 10000 Plain memes, Over 200 Downloadable Malayalam And English Fonts.
– A massive selection of Stickers, Memes, Clip arts, Frames, and many editing features include removing the background image, Adjust text color, size, stroke, Image cropping/blurring, etc.
One of this app’s unique features is that you can add your logo to your image.
-I think you forget something, guess what it is? Yes, you are right, its pros and cons.
PROS: -Very helpful for the ones who only
-it also includes English fonts
-easy to use
-also helps to make pdf of pictures
CONS: -needs a bit of improvement in the features
-But, what about others? Well, you don’t need to worry anymore. We are there with your solution.

– Well, I am 100% sure you all must be doing prank calls with your friends? But, some of you succeed, not all.
If you fail, then here I present you the solution to your problem; you want to know how?
-This app will change your voice. That sounds very interesting.
– Now we’ve got apps that elevate that classic troll we all know and love.
– To fool your friends, the “PrankDial” troll app is the way to go.
-You can choose from over 150 funny scenarios, select a person to call, and the app sends the call while you sit back and listen to your prank in action.
-This app does the trick, but it takes some originality out of the classic prank dial.
– If you’re looking for a prank that you can add more creative flair to, app #1 will be the troll app for you.
-If you ask me, this is one of my most favorite used apps, and I would suggest that you should at least try once.
-Let’s have a look at its ratings and number of downloads:
-If we look at the pros and cons of this app, then I see pros in this app, and in my opinion, what are they? Let’s know:
PROS: -fun to use
-easy to use
-fresh content, unique voices
– excellent and endless entertainment
CONS: -sometimes, you unable to hear the other person

-Hear me out. This isn’t a hot new app; it’s just your Settings app! And no, I’m not crazy!
-With this troll app, you can easily troll with your friends and your loved ones.
-You wouldn’t expect it but, built right into your phone is a dream function for pranksters.
-If you can get on your friend’s phone, go to Settings>General>Keyboard and find Text Replacement.
-Here, you can change words they commonly say to anything your heart desires.
– Get creative with it! Make as many text changes as you’d like.
-You’ll end up with one hilarious conversation because, as I said, no one expects the Settings app!
-You know what? I think this is the most different way to troll someone.
[ that is a significant number of downloads] what do you think?FINAL WORDS:
–I think, by this article, you all got to know one thing, that pranks are not just performed by the school or college kids.
-It can be done by elders also. You know what my parents say, we should keep enjoying our life.
-We never know when our life will change, so we should enjoy it.
The essential part of these troll apps are just for fun; please do not inappropriately use these apps.
– If you have any other idea to troll someone positively, then let us know!